Are you looking for a way to help the growth of the Biostasis community?
Are you looking for a way to help the growth of the Biostasis community?
Find out how computational modeling is playing a role in the biostasis development.
Discover what medical techonolgy has been able to achieve!
Who is Robert Ettinger and where does the idea behind cryonics come from?
How is the community evolving? What are the most common hopes and fears?
Are wondering if cryonics is something for you? This article could help you decide!
Check our our answer to the most complicated questions we have received.
What if after revival you could have your pet by your side?
Cryopreservation is only one of the many fields of cryogenics.
Real life examples of Biostasis can be found all around us in nature.
These terms are related to each other, but mean something completely different.
Cryoprotectants help reduce the formation of ice during the cryopreservation process.